Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Update 1.05-Competetive Gaming, New Headset, Dirty Bomb Beta, Plans

     Lately, things have been fabulous. I had the weekend off, went to a concert, hung out with a friend, did a lot of gaming, and hung out with my older bro. It was so fantastic that it kind of changed my outlook on life at the moment! Spent the day at work thinking about plans for the future, things I wanted to get for my birthday next month, stuff like that.
     First of all, I got a brand new gaming set from Gamestop, my favorite store. It's a HyperX Cloud pro gaming headset endorsed by ESL, MLG, and Intel Extreme Masters. It's pretty nice, I've only had it for 3 days and I can honestly say that I got my moneys worth. It wasn't cheap either, it came at a price of $69.99, which is a steal because online they go for $79.99. I gotta say that these are the best headphones I've ever had. When I'm playing Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, I can actually hear people's footsteps coming up behind me as I'm running around. Pretty sick. In addition, the headset is great for music too, I listened to a lot of music today and it works well for that as well. Not too shabby. The thing about gaming headsets is that the price range can go from $100-to over $300 but when you're going that far you might as well just get great regular sounding headphones that audiophiles use, and not just stick to just gaming headsets. Anyways, it was expensive because its a brandname (HyperX), which is part of Kingston technology, they do everything from computer memory, ssd, usb drives, headsets, and mouse pads. Here's a little info about the headset here if you're interested-http://www.kingston.com/us/hyperx/cloud#h3cl. Basically, the best thing about this headset is that I can game without that feeling that I have something on my head, sometimes it feels like I'm wearing nothing at all, nothing at all (thumbs up if you got that reference).
     Next, with the addition of the HyperX Cloud of course I got into some major gaming, some might call it major league gaming (ha, get it?). I haven't tested the headset on all my games but I did test it out on the ones I play the most. Mainly Heroes of the Storm. I've gotten so into Heroes that in some ways I've become a god at it. I mostly play competitively but I'm still in the unranked stage in the ranked matches ranked thing. I really want to get a team and play on it exclusively and talk through vent or teamspeak and really enjoy the game that way but I don't know enough players who play it as much as I do. My favorite characters to play in Heroes are Novazon Nova (Nova w/ the Amazon skin from Diablo II), Leouric (from Diablo III, that's a cosplay of him in the picture), and Kerrigan (from Starcraft II). I'm honestly great with all three of those characters but I do play them all to do those quests that the game has. When you complete quests you earn in game gold that can be used to buy characters, mounts, and skins. I've unlocked most of my characters that way, although I did finally break down and buy a Blizzard card to buy the Novazon skin. I still have $10.01 left but I'm going to save it until there's something really cool that comes out in the game. Anyways, I've been playing Heroes really competitively and so far I've been pretty successful. I didn't think I'd ever be good at a moba. League of Legends and Dota 2 are way harder than Heroes but that still doesn't make Heroes an easy game for noobs. No filthy casual here.
     Also, I've been playing competitively in Smash 4 3ds. I figured out that I will be using 3 mains: Fox as my number 1 character, Zero Suit Samus when I can take things easy, and Sheik when I want to try to throw my opponent off. I usually play late online on For Glory. I've gotten so into Smash 4 that I've been thinking about saving up and buying a Wii U for my birthday next month. Might have to save up a little and spend less money because even used Wii U's go for $260, and that's the one with the smallest storage space. I don't need the Wii U but it would be nice to play online against people with better graphics and not having to look at a tiny ass screen. Sometimes the stages are so bright on that tiny screen that I can hardly see when I'm in battles. In addition, it would be a good investment because I'm thinking about going to Smash tournaments with my friends in the future and for the most part everyone plays the Wii U version at these tournaments. It's a great game and a fantastic E-sport as well. My favorite Smash pros are Mew2King, Zero, Mango, and Korean DJ, I'm the stereotypical Smash Brothers fan xD. By the way, I can beat most people online with ease but every once in a while there are people who are just on a different level than me. I have a win rate of about 50% at the moment in For Glory.
      Next, I decided to partake in this fps (first person shooter) beta called Dirty Bomb. This is a great tactical, objective, and team-based fps game where you choose from about 12 hero soldiers that all have special abilities; like orbital strikes, healing, and throwing out ammo packs to your teammates. I only played it just yesterday and I can honestly say the game is amazing. It's only in beta so it can only get better. The only bad thing I noticed is that even though its still in beta, there is a cash shop, which sorta makes it pay to win in my opinion. The thing that I like about this game is that it isn't about who can get the most kills or headshots, its about working as a team to complete the objectives. Without the objectives you can't win, which is an awesome idea for fps's. I heard about the game because steam emailed me about it telling me to participate in the beta. For the longest time I held off because I am not particularly into fps's. But I saw TotalBiscuit's review for it on the youtubes and I was pretty impressed with it. It can only get better with this winning formula of objectives over kills or team deathmatch stuff that is prevalent in fps's.
     Lastly, I'm waiting on the next Starcraft expansion to come out. My pre-order for the deluxe edition says its coming out on December 31st, so it will be after Christmas. I'm thinking about starting to play Starcraft II again competitively so I can gain my skills back and get back where I was, maybe try to get higher in the online ranking system. Last time I left off was in Gold League, at number 1 or 2, so I can easily get into Plat, if I try hard enough. The ranking system goes like this-bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, masters, and grandmasters. Koreans are all grandmasters. Us Americans have to work harder at it haha. Also want to work on playing Warcraft III, I've always loved the game but I've never played it long enough to understand the mechanics, especially online in 1v1 matches. When I did play I mained the Undead race because of the Death Knight hero. Also, in November I want to get a BlizzCon virtual ticket so I can follow everything that happens, especially the Starcraft tourneys, I know some sick Korean players will be there. One day I'll have to go to BlizzCon with my bro, he's gone once with his buddies. It's always in Anaheim, here in California. As you can tell, I am a huge nerd, haha! Then, there's going to the jam sessions for the Baked Potato on Mondays as well. So I'm really stepping up my guitar game as well as competitive gaming skills. Also, there's anime that I want to watch too; JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece. So many plans! I hope you all had a great summer and enjoy the fall coming up soon here in September, my favorite month because of my birthday and my step-dad's birthday. Figueroa out.

1 comment:

flowers and sunshine!

Greetings, cosmic playground ,  How goes the cosmic dance in your corner of the infinitesimal universe? Life has been a delightful romp thro...