Friday, July 8, 2016

The competitive problem

So now that competitive mode is out for overwatch everybody's super excited and we've all been playing it like crazy. However, the new mode has many flaws-most of which I will cover here.

Disconnection issues
Sometimes when a player dc's and they re-enter the game it will automatically issue them a loss for the game or they take a hit on their skill rating. Obviously Blizzard didn't intend to do this on purpose and they're working on fixing this soon. So if you don't have a good internet connection maybe competitive mode might throw you a few curve balls. In addition, I've had times where I've dc'd and it wouldn't let me reconnect for quite a while. Damn you battlenet!

Rage Quitters
Other issues I've had is that you'll utterly destroy a team and on the next round they all rage quit-thus giving you barely any boost on your skill rating. That's actually a big problem for the mode right now because that happened to me several times in all different parties. It's awesome to make people rage quit because of mad skills but its not awesome how you barely get any points for doing it. So yeah Blizz needs to do something about the rage quitters as well as leavers.

Healers get no love
Out of the top one hundred professional overwatch players six of them play supports. One of the best Mercy players queued up w/ his team (Cloud 9) and did placement matches to get ranked. Everyone else on their team got ranked ten places higher than the Mercy even though he played the exact same games. Healers don't get as much points for winning compared to the damage dealers and tanks. It's a proven fact and it's a big problem because it's making sure that nobody wants to play healers because they know they won't get many points for doing so. It's so stupid because I love Mercy but when I play competitive I'm better off healing as Lucio because I can rack up a ton of kills at the same time-which will result in more points for the win. Kind of wack. Where's the love for the supports? This is coming from a guy who has twenty hours on Mercy. I just wish Blizzard did more for the healers. My only hope is that Sombra will bring attention to the supports and that Blizzard does change how the points system works for healers.

Introduce Leagues
Overwatch's rankings points system is kinda dumb. The game would make a lot more sense if the players were divided by leagues-just like Heroes of the Storm, DOTA, CS GO, or Starcraft II. They could even keep it the same as Starcraft and have bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, master, and grandmaster. This would help avoid the confusion that's currently in place. Right now we just have numbers from 1-100 with 1 representing the worst of the baddies and 100 representing the cream of the crop. It doesn't feel right.

The Coin Flip
They should do away with the coinflip for attack/defense whenever a sudden death occurs. It's too gimmicky. They should instead have the team who accomplished the objectives faster do the attacking and the other team defend. Just a thought. As of right now it's just a luck of the draw of who wins that coinflip during sudden death. And almost always the team that's attacking wins as its easier to attack than to defend. Thankfully though Blizz is doing away with it next season.

Toxic players
This is something that happens in every online game. You have the Shitlords who like to spurt out insults, slurs, you name it. Once you enter a competitive match and it isn't going well there's always going to be that one guy who's pissed off and yelling at the team through his mic. Overwatch has a toxicity problem and I think the developers should have a helping hand in making sure it doesn't get worse. It might already be too late!

Although we're all glued to our pc's playing overwatch the game is not perfect. All these flaws have to be dealt with or competitive mode won't be as great as it was originally intended. Hopefully Blizzard does something about it soon. It also wouldn't hurt to get some new heroes and maps out. The current maps are getting tiring. Some new game modes in the future might be interesting as well.

That's it for now. Watch this space for more overwatch content. 

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