Sunday, October 6, 2019

Start me up

Lately, I've been blogging about ideas I've had recently. About ideas, life, philosophy, and such. Here's another one in that same discourse. We all have long periods where we are thriving and excelling at everything we do in life. And then finally it hits you. You run into a brick wall. What do you do? Here's what I think. 

I've been on a climatic high ever since the end of last year. I've really changed my outlook, my way of thinking, philosophy, and in a lot of ways I've become a better and more evolved individual. I'm pretty damn happy with myself. But then that brick wall enters your path, where do you go next? The brick wall hit me today when I was at work when I suddenly realized that I can't possibly keep going at the rate I'm going at my retail job. Working 430pm-1am 5 days a week. It can't possibly last. Either I must get a job that isn't as physical or just quit entirely. Then it hit me. What am I going to do? [existential heavy breathing] 

The easy answer is that I'm probably just overworked and need a week off [which I, unfortunately, can't afford to do]. Or that I just need to relax more and take a breather, play more guitar and keyboard [music saves the soul]. However, it is meaningful to actually think about it in a more serious format. Otherwise why bring it up?

Keep in mind that this question came out of the feeling that I just don't have it in me. Too tired to do the physical retail stuff anymore. Why is that? I was just tired. But was I really? Sometimes you have to question everything. Even yourself. 

This led me to a conversation I had with a friend of mine yesterday. I was walking somewhere and saw a friend and he gave me his philosophy on work and life. 

"It doesn't matter how many hours you work. You can work very little hours but as long as you get the money you need to pay for rent/housing/food, that's all that matters. Enjoy your life as much as possible."  

Obviously, this is coming from a guy who is unemployed so at the time I was skeptical. But the more I thought about it, the more I put credence into it. This goes back to my predicament. What do I do? 

Enjoy life, keep working, but don't work so hard, don't push yourself, don't break your back for lowly retail store directors. In the end, maybe being a socialist isn't so bad. [lol] Hell, even Yang's universal basic income is looking fantastic nowadays to me.

I don't know for sure but I believe the idea of working is changing in the postmodern technological age. It might be that people who hardly work because they're already rich, or people that are businessmen who only work sometimes during the week, it might be that they are the culprits, promoting the destruction of the middle class, forcing them into a life of work and servitude, when those people could enjoy more time with their significant other, friends, family, or in self reflection. Is it us versus them? Or is that what the world wants us to believe? As that one song from Broadway goes, "Is that all there is?"  

Start me up. 

The modern proletariat refuses to die.

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