Sunday, January 11, 2015

Starwars Knights of the Old Republic 2: Thoughts and Opinions


     Starwars Knights of the Old Republic 2 is one of the best games I've ever played. It takes place five years before Starwars Knights of the Old Republic 1 and isn't made by Bioware. Rather it is made by a company called Obsidian. This is a much darker game compared to the first one and perhaps compared to all Starwars games. This game really pushes the ante when it comes to the dark side and what it means to be Sith or Jedi.
     You play as a general of Darth Revan's who fought during the Mandalorian wars but lost a connection to the Force, and is slowing regaining all of your abilities. Your name is Meetra Surik and you find out that you were cast out of the Jedi order for fighting with Revan in the Mandolorian wars. You wake up in a Sith spaceship and you meet a woman named Kreia, who becomes your mentor. Later, you find out that she was a Sith Lord named Darth Traya and that she was guiding you and influencing your every move throughout the game. So basically you have to escape this ship and from there the story really starts.
     For me, the game really begins when you meet Atris on Telos. She tells you all about how you were cast out and she even had kept your light-saber hanging up on her wall to remind her of you and the fall of the Jedi. Supposedly Atris says she's the last Jedi and that she doesn't care what you do but later you find out she was into the Dark side, like a lot.
     So you figure out at some point that there are a few of the Jedi order still alive so you set out to find them. You have the option to kill them, or maybe they die anyways by Kreia's hand, because at the end she becomes a villain to you. I didn't try any of the light side options in the game so I went ahead and struct down all the Jedi. Then, Kreia tells you what you have learned after hunting down all the Jedi. For me, she said that I had much to learn still and that her teachings have shown me nothing through the Force. Being a bad guy gets you nowhere with her perhaps? In between that, you can either help a revolution in a major city or hinder it as well.
     So at the end you have to destroy a Sith ship and kill a Sith Lord named Darth Nilhilus who apparently cannot speak English and wears a pretty cool mask. He's an apprentice to Darth Traya. He puts up a good fight and goes down. After you blow up his Sith ship you have to go down to Malachor V to confront Darth Traya and her other apprentice Darth Scion. Darth Scion is a Sith Lord with powers that allow him to come back to life every time he dies. So you have to kill him a few times. Then you fight and defeat Kreia or Darth Traya and the game end. She tells you that by killing her she has succeeded in training you in the Darkside and that nothing could make her happier. Pretty bad feelings huh? That's the path of the Darkside. All in all, a great story. I wouldn't say its better than the first one but its much darker in terms of themes and story-lines. What a game!

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