Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thoughts on Andre 3000 Hendrix film


     This was an interesting movie because it features none of Jimi Hendrix's music whatsoever. Instead, this musician created little bits of a Hendrix style that was nowhere near the real thing. However, that doesn't make this a bad movie, its just a little empty in terms of the actual music. Andre 3000 plays a great Hendrix, probably the most thoughtful Hendrix. He's seen as an intelligent thoughtful person in this movie. The movie focuses on the beginning of Hendrix's career with his British girlfriend Linda Keith (formerly Keith Richards girlfriend) trying to hook him up with studio executives and managers so he can get started on forming a good career in rock and roll.
     Chas Chandler(bass player from the Animals) eventually decides to manage Jimi and he's seen as a overall nice guy but Mike Jeffries, Hendrix's other manager is seen as a knife throwing eccentric in a suit and shades. At one point Hendrix gets a red-headed British girlfriend and she beats Jimi up in one scene. A really cool scene was the one where Hendrix got up on stage and played with Cream, and Eric Clapton got off the stage because he felt like he was being upstaged. Hendrix mentioned he only wanted to go to England if he could meet Clapton
     Although this movie lacks the music of Hendrix its still a great portrayal of Hendrix before he made it big. If anything it shows that Hendrix was more thoughtful instead of just the usual naive and quiet-spoken. 

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