Thursday, October 22, 2015

Artanis is here!

      So Artanis is available in Heroes of the Storm now but only to people who have pre-purchased physical copies of Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void. You have to send a picture of your receipt showing your pre-purchase to Blizzard and once they approve it you get Artanis as a character some two weeks before he comes out for everyone else. This is an awesome thing Blizzard is doing, connecting all their games together in a nice format, perfect because none of these games, characters, and skins come cheap! Now let's talk about Artanis. 
      Artanis is huge and buff. He looks like a giant tanking character but he's a Melee Warrior class type. I love the way he walks. He kind of just barely steps around, he has a cool way of walking around, its some great animation. He has this shield activation system where once he's below 50% health a shield will activate but this doesn't save him from dying all the time. He's not tanky at all despite being a super big giant Protoss, especially compared to Tassadar and Zeratul. His basic Q attack is a giant slide attack he does where he runs and attacks in a long direction any way you want, then he comes back and attacks again. It kind of reminds me of the way Illidan dashes around attacking. His W is this double slash attack that is pretty good. His E is a really great move that switches an enemy hero in your place and you go in their place, perfect for setting up killing blows, and timing his ultimate to hit them. His ultimate that I have been using is Purifier beam, this beam is psionic energy that chases an enemy hero that you target. They can easily run away from the beam so using your E attack to make sure it hits them helps a lot. I've been messing around with some builds with him that I've learned online and I have to say that he seems like a great hero, possibly one of the best in the game. He's definitely better than Rexxar, that was just one hero that I didn't like at all, and I will probably not get him with either in game gold or real money. If I had to rate Artanis I would say he's like an 8 out of 10, I would say he's probably going to be high tier once everyone is able to get him in the game. He's going to be great! Also, just having him in the game is a reminder that Legacy of the void is less than a month away. I can't wait for the last story of Starcraft II, one of my favorite games. "For Auir! We will retake our homeworld!"

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