Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ana. Much skill. Much wow.

So Ana came out Tuesday and everybody's hyped for Overwatch's first post-launch hero. Well, she's great! Blizzard did a great job with the character design. The addition of Ana brings to prospect the idea of the metagame being changed. For one thing teams are now running two healers with her in toe. And the idea of a triple healing comp might not be that far fetched. We could one day see a Zenyatta/Lucio/Ana combo. I've already been in tons of teams with a Mercy/Ana comp and that worked out well. The last posts have been all about Ana and this is no different. Believe the hype.

Pro players are saying she's the highest skill cap hero in the game.

“I think she's insanely high skill cap, potentially even the highest in the game considering how many options she has, while at the same time they are pretty hard to perform (both abilities being skillshots),” Greg “Grego” McAllen, support player and LĂșcio main for Cloud9, told the Daily Dot. “She adds two new mechanics to the game and I'm looking forward to seeing how other great supports use her as well." (Daily Dot)

“I could be biased, being a support player and all, but I really like her how she is, a mix of damage and healing is always nice to have,” he said, though he’s worried she may be a bit too strong. “Some may argue she needs some damage tweaks, but we will see how it plays out.” (Daily Dot)

The reaction to Ana has been strong and mostly positive. I agree with pro players in that I believe she requires the most skill to be effective. One of the toughest aspects of playing her is when to focus on healing and when to take those sniper shots and pick enemy heroes off. I feel like Ana snipes really well at medium to far range. Playing Ana isn't easy. I have about three hours of playtime with her and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface.

On the one hand I feel like her healing is great and on the other I feel like her sniper shots are good too despite the fact that she doesn't get a damage multiplier for headshots like Widowmaker or Hanzo. She can really do it all. But the thing is that you can't do both at the same time so depending on the player, they have to prioritize all her options. You'd think a team would want to make the player with the best aim Ana but at the same time she isn't some mass murderer weapon that will rack up eliminations or get too many play of the games.

One of the hardest things to get used to when I first started playing her was getting eliminations with no scope shots. Sometimes enemy heroes get right up in your face and your sleep dart misses and your only way of possibly escaping is to grenade yourself (thus healing yourself) and making a run for it. There are other times when a Genji or a Tracer will try to frag you and you no scope headshot them. It's awesome getting kills with Ana. When you go on kill-streaks with Ana its feels different from other heroes because she's so unique. A special snowflake and all that jazz.

Even though she just came out I feel like the hype has already died down for her in terms of how much I've been seeing her in-game. Tuesday she was in every game. Some games we all went Ana. Fun times. By Wednesday games were back with the old supports. I think people just wanted to try her out but they aren't serious about her once they realize how difficult she really is. In some ways its the same with Mercy. Only dedicated Mercy players play Mercy a lot. Its the same with Ana. She won't work unless a player really knows her kit and knows what they're doing. In some aspects she's a specialist sort of hero that not everyone will be into. I dig that because I'm a big Mercy player. Now I can be a Mercy/Ana focused player on competitive mode.

Lastly, I hope that she stays the same for future patches because I feel like she's everything I could ask for as hybrid support class. I feel that the idea for a healing sniper is more novel than the actual execution of the character design. Blizzard did something new for the first person shooter genre with this character. Not only that but she's Pharah's mum too. Although her kit isn't perfect and her sleep dart has a long cooldown she plays like a support sniper's dream. It's a joy to play her and keep a team healthy as you're delivering payloads, attacking, and defending points. I have a feeling she's going to change the pro circuit as well, giving them more ideas for more varied comps-possibly have more supports or just have one really good Ana who heals entire teams alone. Wouldn't that be something to marvel at? I think so.

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