Friday, July 1, 2016

Best competitive mode heroes in overwatch

First of all, this is going to be a list of heroes that I think are the best for competitive mode but they are also the heroes that I enjoy playing the most in competitive mode. So without further ado let's jump right in. 

Soldier 76
Soldier 76 is the hero for many situations. If you ever need to play a dps and want to lend a supporting hand go soldier. His heal ability helps the team out tremendously in addition to him dealing decent damage at long range. His ultimate can win games if done right at crucial points. His assault rifle has good range too-I've had moments where I've sniped snipers from a distance with a few shots and a helix rocket (right click). He's the everyman's hero in the sense that anyone can pick him up and play him reasonably well at whatever skill level they are playing in. Also, he's a total Call of Duty rip off. Oh yeah, he can run. This gives him plenty of escape options as well as offensive tactics to utilize.

I'm a support guy in most games when I'm not going dps. Lucio is probably the second best support in the game. The first being Mercy for me because I love Mercy's playstyle and I have about 20 hours (out of 50) played with Mercy. I've done my share of healing. However, Lucio differs from Mercy because he has a lot more offensive tools and a stronger basic attack with his sonic amp-flier. Its easy to rack up tons of kills as Lucio as you're throwing out aeo heals and boosting your speed if you need to get out of bad situations. He's not as hard as Mercy to play, making him a fan favorite healer of the game.

Mercy is also somewhat of a fan favorite that you'll see in a lot of competitive matches. For me she is the best character in the game. Her single target heal is amazing and her guardian angel skill allows her to fly to nearby allies and keep them healed up. Her ultimate for me is the best in the game-it revives dead teammates. This can turn the tide of any match especially at the right moment. The revive gives your team essentially another chance to take the objective. She can be hard to learn at first because players struggle with positioning but once mastered she can be a slippery dove. Also, it doesn't hurt that she reminds me of the medic from Team Fortress 2.

Those first three are essential heroes that you will probably see in most of your competitive matches. The next heroes I'm going to talk about are more specialized and unique to certain situations. This is a game of rock, paper, scissors where sometimes you'll need a hero with unique capabilities for certain situations. Special snowflakes and all that jazz.

I've been going McCree a lot in competitive mode. Usually if someone goes Soldier I will go McCree because I feel like he balances out the team with a nice medium range shot. In the hands of a good player McCree can still be devastating despite the nerfs. However, he does start to have problems if he finds himself too close to a hero with more than 200 hp-mostly tanks. He's great at flanking and getting eliminations. Always a great choice. He's a usual suspect in the current competitive overwatch meta.

Although I've played Hanzo way more (mostly in Quick Match) I feel that Widowmaker is the sniper that shines in overwatch. Although she was nerfed hard she is still complete death-bringer in the hands of a sniper specialist. She has her weaknesses-she has low health and her only real mobility is her hook to climb up to high places. Like McCree, she's usually in all the pro overwatch matches. Also, I learned the french word magnifique (magnificent) from a quote she says.

I feel like Winston is one of the best tanks for competitive mode. He has a barrier shield he can put up on payloads and on points that can absorb damage and protect the whole team. In addition, he has a great leap that has a short cool down-giving him great mobility. Although his gun is weak you don't really have to aim with it. Instead, you letta rip and continuously fire the lasers out and they will hit the enemy hero if they're close enough. It's kind of like Zarya's laser gun. Winston is one of the most played tanks in pro overwatch. It's not unheard of to see two Winstons even in pro matches.

This guy is a must have for certain maps-especially payload. Most of the people you play with probably won't be great Winstons but so far I've played with some terrific Reinhardts. His barrier can absorb 2000 damage making him perfect for escorting payloads. He's probably the most played tank in public overwatch games. It is that way for a reason-he's a true tank that hits like a truck. 

Here's some wildcard picks to play, at least for me.

Although this one is debatable in competitive play I think that there are certain players who are masters with Mei. At first I thought she was super annoying but once I played her and understood her mechanics I've come to embrace her. She's probably my favorite wildcard character that I play when I'm bored of playing my usual heroes. She's probably not the best hero for ranked but if you need to try something different playing her can certainly change the tide of battle. Her freeze gun is so awesome and I've had moments with her right click icicle blast where I've sniped snipers on high platforms. Her ultimate can annihilate the entire enemy team if used when they're all grouped together. Mei is bae.

Sometimes you just need a girl with a rocket launcher to decimate the enemy team. She's a great pick against Torbjorns because she can take out his turrets easily with a few rocket shots. In addition, having her fly in the air shooting down at teammates is a great distraction tool while your team focuses on the objective. She reminds me of the soldier from Team Fortress 2. Rocket jump? Sounds dangerous. 

Sometimes you find yourself fighting against the enemy team at choke points or corridors. Junkrat shines in those situations.

She's the support tank of the game. Her shield on herself and her other shield that can be put up on allies is so good. She's probably my favorite tank in the game because she can tank as well as support the team.

That's my list for now. Things may change down the road as balancing changes and new heros/maps come but for now a lot of people are running these toons in competitive matches. In the bar graph above you can see that most of the heroes I listed are also the most played in competitive.

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