Friday, July 1, 2016

overwatch teen makes pros quit in shame

There was esports drama at a professional tournament (Nexus Cup) recently where one Korean 17-year old girl named Gegury was so good that she made esports pros quit their career in shame. Rage quit much? She's one of the top ten Zaryas, has a 6.31 kdr, and a win rate of 80%. She played so well at the tournament that other players reported her to Blizzard for cheating. But they didn't stop there. Two of the players from Team Dizziness were willing to stake their entire overwatch careers based on if she was cheating-saying they would quit if she was found not to be hacking. One of the guys said he might show up to her house with a knife for cheating. He also said he was not kidding. Not exactly well balanced individuals. What the fuck, right? Once the accusations were leveled Blizzard found out that she wasn't cheating and they even praised her. She did a clinic showing off her great Zarya skills. The manager of Team Dizziness said he felt so bad about how everything went down that he's going to disband the team.

Cheating is very common in esports-especially at pro tournaments. For example there's a lot of hacking in professional Counter Strike. Even though overwatch is completely new to esports there's already been scandals. There's a lot of "experts" out there that think they can spot a hacker but Blizzard says,"We shouldn't be so quick to fan the hammer." Some people are just really fucking good. So yeah-git gud. In addition, some of the camera angles in overwatch can make playback aim appear snappy or less fluid in game. Blizzard has a way of detecting hackers in overwatch so don't be too quick to go on hacker witch hunts like this one.

source: The Know

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