Friday, August 26, 2016

Just Give Us Sombra Already

Blizzard has been giving us clues for the next Overwatch hero Sombra for quite a while now. At first it was just little hints and clues on maps and stuff but it expanded and turned into a great ARG (alternate reality games: the idea that devs could leave clues and hints about the game, its characters, and its history in and outside of the game through comics, articles, in-game easter eggs). I spent a lot of time in other posts writing about some of the main developments in the Sombra ARG. But right now a lot of people are sick of the whole thing.

The most recent clue came from a glitchy post on Overwatch's official forums that appeared to come from Sombra herself. It led players to a site that seemed to be counting down to an impending reveal. I just tried it right now and it leads you to a page that shows this with black background like some kind of computer coding program:

...Estableciendo conexión...
...Protocolo Sombra v1.9 iniciado...

...Transmitiendo información a ómnicos activos... 5%

...Terminando conexión... 

And then it never reveals anything. It's been stalled at 5% for a while and nobody can figure out what they need to do to get it moving. Right now people are working to figure out how the Sombra site works. But clearly all the hype and enthusiasm for this new character is on the decline. 

I felt like the Sombra ARG was super fun to read about. But now Blizzard has taken the hype too far-to the point of no return. I'm not excited for the reveal because we've been teased with all these clues and none of it has really led anywhere-yet. At the same time some random dudes could figure this out and might be able to tell us when Sombra's going to be revealed and/or anything about her. 

It's definitely a new way of giving players new content, that's for sure. All this ARG stuff and easter eggs in modern gaming is definitely fun. But at the same time you can't just give us all these clues, have nothing happen, and expect the players to still be hyped. I understand devs want to keep the players excited but they could've done it a lot better. Anyways, I hope Sombra is a stealth melee character. That would be awesome! 

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