Thursday, August 11, 2016

Overwatch ARG-The Search for Sombra continues

ARG-alternate reality games (stories, hints, and ideas about the game within the game) are really awesome and help bring the community together. But when everybody puts their heads together and find out that clues and hints are indeed meaningless, things tend to not hold up for very long. There was a Starcraft 2 ARG earlier this year that players figured out in 2 days. Yet the Sombra arg search continues as of this post. The Summer Games update had a little hint to help bring people back to the arg party.

Players were staring in the sky from a control point on Dorado with the belief that a pattern in the blue held the piece to the puzzle. It turned out they were mistaken but they translated it into a song. Although they were off the mark that is pretty astounding. Blizzard played along for a while and then uploaded a new screen from the Dorado map to the Overwatch website-which stood out from the rest because it was corrupted.

However, the corruption is datamoshing, a process used to hide data within images, and when decoded it produced this:

“Por que estan mirando al cielo? La respuesta no esta sobre sus cabezas, esta detras de ustedes. A veces, necesitan analizar sus logros previos.” 

Which translates to "Why do you look to the sky? The answer is not above your heads, it's behind you. Sometimes, you need to analyze your previous achievements"   

No one player would've figured this out for themselves. It took the community to figure out complicated args like this. Well, technically in this case Blizzard came out with the hint themselves. The Sombra details are still a mystery and Blizzard thinks we're making a mess of it. Its cool to look up all the fan theories on the web and envision if there's any truth to any of it. Either way I will be happy to look up more arg's and post about the details behind them. Part of the fun of the Summer Games is the fact that this has been revealed and there's the possibility of Sombra coming out in the near future. I like the Summer Games and Lucioball but I'm more interested in more engaging content. Until then the mystery continues on the Overwatch subreddit. 

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