Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Overwatch Has Changed A lot

Hello ladies and gents. I'm back! I was afk for a couple days and I actually tried going to sleep early and waking up early. I liked it! Anyways, let's have a deep disscussion about Overwatch.

Overwatch has completely changed with the last patch and I feel like its affected the game in a bunch of major ways. The biggest and most obvious change is the increased ultimate ability cost by 25%. The game has a much better pace to it now than it did before. Before teams could teamwipe enemy teams by just building up their ultimates really quickly and if they had great communication they could use all their ults at the same time and win engagements everytime. Basically the team that had better communication would always win because their ults would be timed better.

Now, ultimates are much more important and timing for them has to be perfect for the teamwipes. In addition, shooting in the game feels a lot more important.. Shooting has become important in a first person shooting game! How exciting!

Soldier 76 is like god tier right now. He does something like 150 more dps (damage per second). The only dps better than him right now is McCree and I would argue that unless you're a pro McCree you should play Soldier instead. He can melt through Reinhardt shields pretty quickly if he's defended well too. He's definitely going to become a must pick in this new meta.

Pharah got a nice buff with 35% lift thrusts so she's in the air all the time now. Pro Pharahs will rain death from above and do fine but I also think that she still has the same problems she had before in the sense that Zenyatta can discord orb her, Soldier can shoot her down, Ana/Widow/Hanzo can snipe her, and McCree can just pistol her at medium range. She's great but she has so many weaknesses I just don't see her coming back even at my level of play.

Now, for Sombra. Sombra is an interesting concept put in Overwatch. I love her kit, her voicelines, her skins, the fact that she's a cute latina hacker, etc. She's freaking great. But honestly I don't think she will become a part of the meta and I don't think she will become popular in the pro scene or even at my level of play.

I'm saying this because that's what I'm seeing in the game right now. I've seen pro players play Sombra and even I've played better with her on my good games. Obviously we still have a lot of learning to do with her and her kit but her damage is so low why would anyone prefer Sombra over say Tracer/Genji/Reaper? The other flankers do a much better job of killing. Sombra is more of a poking and finishing hit kind of hero. She can be played aggressively but we haven't seen any fantastic Sombra plays where she's killing everyone on the enemy team like say a Tracer, Genji, or Reaper.

What's the problem you ask? The main thing is that her gun is very weak. Not only that but the spread is kinda all over the place because its an smg. I like the fact that she can hack health packs but if you're constantly running around hacking healthpacks sometimes you aren't going to be there for your team. I notice that Sombra players like to go off on their own a lot. Her stealth is good but you can still be spotted and shot at even when you're running super fast. Her ultimate sounded bad ass and overpowered at first but in practice I haven't seen anything too special from emp other than a cancelled Lucio ultimate and a Reinhardt shield cancellation. Lastly, she goes down like a wet paper nap. Very much glass cannon.

With all these problems its easy to see that Somba will have a hard time getting into the pro scene, even my current level of play. Nobody is running Sombra for competitive at my level. I was actually shocked at first because I've been playing everyday since the new patch and I've only seen her in one comp game. I think they can tweak her in future patches and make her better.

Honestly they should do what they usually do. Buff a character so strong that everybody plays her and then nerf her hard so that she can fit into the meta when everybody likes her. Blizzard does this with all their heroes and I bet they'll do it again with Sombra. They did this with Ana and it worked like a charm. 

In conclusion, Overwatch will never be the same game again. I like to think that the game has changed for the better but sometimes I miss the old days, which were only like a few months ago. Sure, every team is running Lucio still but comps are becoming more diverse (at least at my level) and Blizzard is trying new things like Sombra. Not everything is good but at the same time its great that the game is getting updates and still going strong. I'm still getting into games within 30 seconds during the day. That's pretty neat.

Hack the planet.

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