Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sombra Was Finally Announced

So today at BlizzCon Blizzard finally announced the next new Overwatch hero Sombra. This feels like a big relief in the community because everybody's been waiting for this for so long. The arg (alternate reality game) about Sombra took the internet by storm and then everyone got tired of it. And now here she finally is!

Okay, so first of all watch the cinematic trailer for Sombra if you haven't already. You can watch it here. I can go on and on about how great this video is.

But the thing I love the most is how Sombra sounds like a chola. I like Hispanic chicks a lot so its cool that she's Hispanic and has an accent and stuff. She's hacked her way into my heart. Basically what happens in the clip is Sombra, Reaper, and Widowmaker are there to take out some important Russian official who's in charge of omnics. Sombra gets alone in a room with the official and basically black mails here with these photos that show her kind of being love dovey with omnics when Russians are supposed to be against them. She then teleports away and then we see a shot of Zarya. The Russian woman official says,"you know why you're here, right?" Zarya responds with,"I have an idea". Talk about badass!

The cinematic was excellently done. Probably my favorite Overwatch cinematic in a super long time. It actually almost brought a tear to my eye, I was in such awe. It's funny to think that video games have influenced me so much but at this point its one of my biggest inspirations alongside music, movies, and literature. But enough of that lol.

Let's talk about Sombra's actual in game abilities and whatnot. So far people are saying that she sounds a bit overpowered. But to be honest I don't really feel like too many heroes in Overwatch are really too OP.

First off, she has 200 health points-which puts her in line with most of the roster. She has a machine gun. "Sombra’s fully-automatic machine pistol fires in a short-range spread." Her gun fires more slowly than Tracer's machine guns but have a bigger magazine of 60 compared to Tracer's 40.

Her first ability is Hack. "Sombra hacks enemies to temporarily stop them from using their abilities, or hacks first aid kits to make them useless to her opponents." She can't hack if she's getting attacked or invisible. Hacks on enemies last about 6 seconds but a lot longer on other things-about a minute maybe. This sounds like an amazing ability. This could stop Mercy resurrections, a Pharah from ult killing your entire team, stop people from getting health kits, and more. But it seems that she has to get pretty close to use hack. So there's that. Sounds op but I think Blizz will do a lot of balancing with this ability to get it just right.

Next, thermoptic camo. Interesting word that I haven't heard before, thermoptic. "Sombra becomes invisible for a short period of time, during which her speed is boosted considerably. Attacking, using offensive abilities, or taking damage disables her camouflage." So this is basically a stealth that we all figured she would have. This is the thing that everybody is up in the air about because once you introduce stealth in a competitive game things can get dicey. Balancing this part of her kit will be the hardest part from Blizzard with this new character. It sounds awesome though but I don't think it will be perfect from the start. It will take a lot of ptr testing and balancing that's for sure.

Then there's translocator. "Sombra tosses out a translocator beacon. She can instantly return to the beacon’s location while it is active (including when it’s in mid-flight)." "Once thrown, it has about a 15-second window to be used. After you translocate, there's a 6-second cooldown before you can throw it out again." (Kotaku) This is her escape route, sort of similar to Tracer's recall but very different.

Lastly, we have her deadly ultimate emp. "Sombra discharges electromagnetic energy in a wide radius, destroying enemy barriers and shields and hacking all opponents caught in the blast." There's so much that can be done with this ultimate that just this alone is game changing-and possibly game breaking to a certain degree.

The ptr is going to be interesting next week. I'm really exciting for entire matches full of Sombra's going at it. It was super fun with all the Ana's although it was a very unwinnable strategy. This is everything I've been writing about for months when it comes to the Sombra news. It's finally come to end.


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