I work five out of seven days so I don't get much time to hang out with friends or even interact with too many people outside of my work environment. Monday night mtg (magic the gathering) tournaments has given me refuge and I've met many new friends. Most of them are fellow nerds but they are all unique individuals. I usually organize our group and text everyone and tell them to come through to Fire and Dice when I go there. My group consists of about eight people. And counting in the future probably. They're all great mtg players and they've helped me out a lot with my decks and strategies. In a way I feel like I've anchored the group to show up when I'm there. And they usually all do show up surprisingly. I like the environment at Fire and Dice because its relaxing, fun, entertaining, and jokey. Perfect really. Its a great place to hang out. I always meet new people there every time I go and some of them become friends, others just casual acquaintances. Either way its great social interaction. Something I don't get to do often because of work.
Magic has also made me a better gamer. I usually play edh commander league tournaments. It's this game mode where you play with 100 card decks and you only have 1 of each card in it. You have a commander you can cast anytime you have the mana for it and this game mode is not easy. It also free for all. In tournament it can be 4 player free for all of 3 player free for all. Every match is fun, intense, and challenging. I've learned a lot more gaming skills from playing in these tournaments because I've learned to think a lot more before I act upon anything I do. This carries over to other forms of gaming-even competitive fps and moba gaming. I think a lot more about every action I take rather than just "going for it", which is better suited to a jazz guitar solo.
All in all, mtg is a great social gaming experience. I'm definitely going to keep playing the game and continuing to participate in tournaments. I'm also down to go to Fire and Dice for Smash 4 tournaments but it seems like I never get Thursdays off (that's the only day they do those there). It's great that I've gained strong friendships there through the card game. I have another inner circle of friends that I hang out with and even work with but its nice to have an entirely different sort of circle that is still just as awesome.
Magic rules! Btw, that's my commander in my mono green edh deck. This old woman rocks!
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