Sunday, May 28, 2017

Heroes of the Storm's Amazonian Harkens Back to Diablo 2 Days

So in the midst of the exciting Overwatch event I've been finding time in between matches to relax. I relax by playing other games, and Heroes of the Storm has been my go-to moba since 2015 when it was released in early alpha. The game recently got D.Va, Genji, a Protoss probe, and an Amazonian added to the roster. Here I'd like to focus on the Amazonian.

Her name is Cassia, a perfect name for an Amazonian really. Her play-style is pretty aggro (dps) and playing her harkens back to the good ol' days of Diablo 2, when I was just a 7th grader that spent his days after school pvping outside Tristrum. I never actually played a Bowazon (archer amazon) or Javazon (javelin thrower) but I fought against them a lot. They were easily one of the strongest classes in the game. Heroes features a straight Javazon but I wish there was a skin for her where she could change into a Bowazon. Idea you can take right from me Blizzard!

Lets go over her abilities but I'm gonna keep it simple. Her q is a basic javelin throw that splits out and does electric damage. This move is her basic bread and butter for damage and it has a short cool down so you can spam it a lot. Because it doesn't cost much mana its even better. It shoots in a straight line but you have to be good at aiming and actually hit your enemies because if you miss the first javelin toss the lighting doesn't hit anything. My second game I dominated the enemy team primarily because this ability is so strong. If you never miss you'll do so much damage.

Her w is this blinding electric shock (or light) that hits in an area of effect (aoe blast). Once it hits them it blinds them, making them miss all their attacks. Super useful and defensive. This one is a little harder to hit them with because your aiming with the mouse requires more precision the q ability. But once it hits them your safe and all their attacks miss. Nice.

Her e is a charge attack that rushes the enemy and deals damage with super fast javelin attacks. It looks really cool and does really good damage. This is perfect for when your trying to engage, or running away and then trying to re-engage. However, its her most situational ability here. You can't use it all the time on enemies because it leaves you vulnerable to attacks, thus making it easier for you to get double, triple, or quadruple teamed.

She has two ultimates. One is Ball lightning which shoots out this lightning ball that damages enemies. The cooler one is Valkyrie. This ultimate ability summons a valkyrie that rushes to Cassia, pulls and stuns the first enemy hit, and knocks back all enemy heroes in the way. Its great. Perfect for engaging in team fights and also effective when you need to make a run for it.

Yeah, Cassia is pretty cool. The main aspect of her that reminds of Diablo 2 is how aggro she is. She has skills that increases her movement speed while unmounted. Its super effective! She makes me want to replay Diablo 2 to roll an Amazon. Its great to see a Diablo 2 character added to the game because right now it seems like Overwatch is getting a lot of love in Heroes of the Storm. I'm sure Blizzard will have great new ideas for new heroes.

Diablo 2 is love!

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