Monday, May 29, 2017

Blizzard Just Keeps Hooking Me Into Their Games

So the Overwatch Anniversary is going on and I just can't get enough. There literally aren't enough hours in the day to grind level ups and earn loot boxes (levels ups earn you free loot boxes). I finally managed to reach level 300 and in my recently earned loot box I got the Genji dance emote. Nice! In addition to Overwatch I've been spending time playing Heroes of the Storm. After two or three matches of that I usually move on.

I started playing Hearthstone and I'm in that stage where the game is super new to me and I don't get how all the chain combos work. However, I'm also at the stage where I might become a competitive player. The game is fun, fast, simple, and reminds me of Magic the Gathering (the best part of the game imo). I'm not sure if I want to only play it casually or if I'm going to try to become good and play ranked.

If those games weren't enough to take up my free time I recently saw an article on (Kotaku  that explains how modders are making Diablo 2 a better game. I used to love Diablo 2 as a middle schooler so when I read the article I was impressed and excited. Sure enough, I dug through my pc gaming boxes and dug out my Diablo 2 discs. I downloaded it and got the mod and tomorrow I'm going to start my first Bowazon (bow/archery amazonian) character in D2 using this awesome mod that adds all this cool stuff and increases the max level cap to 125 (formerly 99).

What I'm getting at is that Blizzard just sucks you into their games. The artwork, game play, lore, story, and patches keep the games exciting and interesting for years to come. Who would think that I would be playing Diablo 2 again when I haven't played it probably since the early 2000's? Its just that great of a game, that's why. Blizzard makes great games. The games create experiences within an entertaining simulated world that makes you want to keep playing. These are the things that science fiction writers would have dreamed of in the middle ages.

I'm still playing a lot of Team Fortress lately. I've been trying to learn how to play the spy class. I've gotten really good at sniping people with the revolver. Sometimes when I can't get in for backstabs I just chill with the team and snipe. I feel like McCree from Overwatch with that revolver. Its definitely the hardest class to play because players are really good and they know how to counter spy super easily. I've been dying a lot. But I keep respawning and going for those backstabs.

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