Saturday, May 20, 2017

Overwatch anniversary! (soon)

Hello ladies and gents of the Internet world who read my blog. Its been a good minute since I wrote about Overwatch but now is definitely the time to get back into talking about it. In three days there will be an anniversary event for the game. It's hard to believe the game's been out a year already but time flies when you're having fun so in that sense its understandable.

For a few months I thought that if I wanted to get farther in music I had to put down the mouse and keyboard (gaming in general, even stopped playing smash competitively) but recently I realized that I shouldn't just go cold turkey and stop playing for too long. Gaming provides me fun, excitement, confidence, and stress relief that is different from playing music. Its kind of funny to say this but I need gaming in order to be happier. I'm glad I figured this out sooner rather than later because without gaming I'm a much different person. I take things too seriously sometimes. Get stressed more easily. Things like that. Anyways that's only a portion of what I wanted to talk about here.

Let's talk Overwatch. Last time I posted about it I wrote a piece about the newest hero to the roster, Orisa. Since her release I haven't exactly been able to figure out if she's even a part of the competitive meta. I see her a lot but I also don't see her a lot. She's a great hero for sure but she isn't exactly new or groundbreaking. Needless to say she's still a great tank character. The fact that she can shoot and put up barriers makes her like a D.Va/Rein combination with Zarya's gravaton projectile, the one where she can push you into the gravitational force of the projectile attack.

My actual gameplay experience this competitive season has been pretty hit or miss. Mostly miss. In one day my sr dropped by like 300 points and there's probably noway for me to climb back up for the remainder of this season. However, I've gained something in the time that I was away from gaming. When I returned (the prodigal son has returned!) I realized that sr and rank doesn't matter.

The only thing that matters is playing your best and getting better at the game, thus honing your skills and having fun. And in that aspect I've succeeded beyond my wildest imaginations. I'm super good at the game now despite not playing for a while. Something just clicked. Playing other games maybe? I've been playing Quake Champions beta...

I'm at an all time high skill cap for Overwatch and this makes me really happy. Being good is different for various gamers but being good for me (as a healers main) means not dying very often, escaping death traps easily and often, healing the majority of the time, and securing kills, sometimes a lot of them. I've been able to do these things pretty well for my skill level (silver-gold rank). I do plan on getting better and trying to reach platinum eventually.

Last thing I want to discuss is that they teased some new skins for the anniversary event. Check them out on the top of the page. These skins look pretty wacky to me but they are much different from whats already in the game so we gotta give Blizzard credit where is due. Nice job...(slow clap)

So yeah...Overwatch is a year old and there's a lot of stuff planned for next year. There's going to be three more arena (3v3 mode). Poppa Jeff (Jeff Kaplan, Director of Overwatch) has spoken out and said that the first year was all about adding new stuff. Year two will be about supplementing and improving upon what's already there.

Orlando's advice to Blizzard for Overwatch-Just make a summoner hero already!

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