Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas in the Modern Dark Ages

Its two hours from Christmas. I got off work at nine. It was a bit of a downer at work but otherwise another successful (and unfulfilling day). Another day at the office. Sitting down and thinking about Christmas, many thoughts go through my mind. This is a Christmas unlike any other. A medieval Christmas, a Christmas ripe for the modern dark ages. Let me explain.

Sure, life is okay and the economy isn't in a complete recession. You might even have a great job, security, a home, friends, family, and food. But sitting down this year during the holidays I can't help but feel a sort of modern holiday dystopian feeling. Its a gut feeling, brooding within the mind. Donald Trump is President and things haven't improved although many Republicans will tell you the economy is great and that unemployment is down. Even if that was true they haven't made my life better. What has Trump done for me? Nothing great.

Part of this feeling comes from the loss of my step-mother, who loved Christmas and always went all out for gifts. Then there's the age difference. I'm now twenty-eight years old and Christmas just doesn't do it for me anymore. The gifts are still significant, they show that people care for me. However, my circumstance of being 'po' (as black people say) has made me much more disillusioned. In fact, I wasn't able to get everything I wanted for my friends and loved ones this year because I didn't have enough money. And I didn't have enough money because they didn't want to give me more hours at the office. Tough break. Better luck next year kid.

The government, your jobs, big pharma, and businesses want us to spend a lot of money this year but how can one find happiness in buying gifts for others when the state of the country (city, state, continent, world, universe) is in such disarray? You could say, "Look man, you need to lighten up. Its just a holiday." But the thing is that this 'holiday' has a bleak future, that is if we are to keep promoting gifts instead of investing in better lives for the people.

As I sit back and wait for Christmas I think about all the people who have nothing, the have nots, the Untouchables, the Undesirables, the sick, the disabled, the poor, the homeless, the mentally ill, and I say to myself, "What does this holiday mean for them?"

The best gift for me this Christmas would be a resignation from Donald Trump. Or people 'smartening' up and running for government themselves. That's the only way to fix this political malfeasance. I'm hopeful in the next generation of politicians, priests, CEO's, writers, poets, musicians, computer programmers, and business owners.

After all, if there's one gift I'm giving to myself this Christmas, its hope. 

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