Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Heads Up!


     Hey everyone thought I'd write another one of these updates for the readers, the fans, the hardcore Orlando Figueroa blog fans! Anyways, I've been up to a lot more fun lately. A lot of gaming. Not so much in terms of music or guitar playing. Like I've said in previous posts I'm becoming disillusioned with music and guitar playing and becoming more enamored of gaming. In the last post I talked about how I was going to start streaming and stuff. My twitch channel is twitch.tv/megaman1597 if you want to check it out but there's really not much interesting content on there at the moment. Its a bit iffy streaming because the quality is not so good unless I'm playing something like my Super Nintendo emulators. On a game like Heroes of the Storm the quality is terrible and blurry because of my network connection speeds. Unless you have a fast internet connection you can't really stream that well. So I looked more and more into what it takes to be able to stream and all these programs and options to make a stream great and I've kind of run into a wall because I think all my streaming problems stem from not having a super fast internet connection speed. So I've been kind of studying and looking up all this stuff just to be able to stream. Has it been worth it? Yes! But like I said I think I've run into a wall because I think my internet connection speed is just not good enough for it.
     On the other end of things there's actual gaming I've been doing as well. I've been playing a lot of Super Nintendo games on my emulator on my PC. Games like Super Metroid and Super Mario World mostly. I'm actually pretty far in Super Metroid. I've finally got most of the items in the game and now I'm just trying to power my way through it, fighting these big ass bosses that take a while to take out. Some of them are actually really difficult to fight because on some bosses they don't have a set HP that you have to deplete, instead you just have to survive the whole fight until something happens, like you pushing them across the entire map until they fall off. There was one boss fight where it was like that and it was pretty tough.
     In addition, I've been playing the first Bioshock. I'm playing the game on the PC, on my steam account. If any of you want to add me on steam my name on there is Spacemarine, I should be like the first hit in the search, with the sexy girl space marine picture. I'm actually really getting into Bioshock. I'm really feeling it! The story of the game kind of gives me the creeps because I get scared easily and the whole idea of quasi-zombies/cannibals/whatever they are running around underwater with guns trying to kill you just freaks me out. Also the idea that you have to kill Bigdaddy's and then absorb Littlesisters (basically just little girls but I think they're much more, not far enough in the game to say) is pretty interesting. The picture is a Big Daddy Little Sister cosplay. Its so good! You can choose to save the Littlesisters but then you won't get a lot of the superpowers needed to power up your character, making it easier to make it through the game. Right now I'm enjoying the game but I find it really difficult. A friend of mine told me he thought the game was super easy. I guess for some people these modern originally on Xbox360 first person games are really easy but for me they are the epitome of difficulty. Because of playing this game its gotten me interested in playing more of the first-person xbox games in my brother's collections. The main game that comes to mind that I want to play that he has is Fallout 3. But that's for another time.
     In other news, today was really fun because I brought over Diablo 3 for the Xbox360 over to a friends house and they really enjoyed the game. I was getting so into the game and playing on a console, that later on we went to Gamestop and I bought the expansion, Reaper of Souls because I knew that they would want to play it with me on other days we hang out. I already have both D3 and RoS on PC but having it on console just makes it more of a chill game to play when your just relaxing with your friends. The PC version is a bit more hardcore and has players that have played since launch still putting in incredible amounts of time. It's a really great game. Reaper of Souls turned Diablo 3 into a much more open world RPG experience, where you can kind of go anywhere you want at any time to complete quests, kill demons, and get epic loot. All in all its a fun time. 10/10 would buy again.
     Also, I've been getting a bit more into anime because the new Dragon Ball Super episodes have aired in Japan, and people have put English subtitles to it already. It's pretty cool. I'm actually going to start watching Dragon Ball Z GT again because I'm kind of into a DBZ phase again now that I'm into Dragon Ball Super, but I don't want to watch the same old DBZ stuff that I've seen before, so I'm going to give GT another shot. I once watched it but after a while I became bored and just stopped. Maybe now I'll be more into it? It's worth a shot although pretty much all of the friends I've ever had have said that GT was garbage. Maybe after I watch a bit of the series I'll do a little anime mini-review for it, I haven't done one of those for a long time. The last anime I watched was this great one about time travel called Stein's Gate. I would recommend that one to any modern anime fan.
     Lastly, as you can tell I have a lot of time on my hands! If I was using my time wisely I would be working more on music but I'm a lazy musician. I have chops but I don't want to put the practice in to truly become great. To learn a 1000 songs and find the right people to play in a band with. I feel like part of my problem is that I have no direction musically, and that I should spend the money to hire a guitar teacher but then comes the problems of paying for said teacher. If I'm going to pay for a guitar teacher, then I might as well just pay to go to music college, learn the whole thing about harmony and counterpoint, as well as be a hotshot guitar player. I think musicians do get kind of stuck or in a rut or a musical depression and they just take a break for a while. I feel like that's what I need to do. Just take a break and come back later. Its funny that I used to listen to music all the time but lately I haven't listened to any music other than some death metal here and there. It actually doesn't bother me at all when I'm not listening. Before it used to. So I've changed in that respect. If I had to say what is the greatest thing in the world to me I would say music but gaming and work would be additional followups to that. Figueroa out.

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