Friday, January 22, 2016

Gate and Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans

     I've been keeping up watching all the latest cool new anime. I've been trying to keep it down to anime with very few episodes so I don't have to put too much time into it. I am most certainly not down to watch something like One Piece or Naruto-way too many episodes.
     Gate is a really solid anime I've just started watching this week. Basically a gateway opens in modern day Japan and all these warriors, warlords, orcs, and dragons come out trying to pillage and kill everybody. Of course, modern day Japan reacts to this with advanced weaponry and easily takes out all these invaders. Then, Japan goes through the portal, creates a base of operations, and sends in this otaku main character to become a peace negotiator and stuff. He's really dumb but he's actually a really high up soldier with a code-name. He does everything in his power to help the citizens of this other world, even taking on a fire dragon to protect a town. There's a cute blonde elf girl, a gothic lolita, and young mage girl from this other world and they're pretty interesting characters. This anime started off being all about war and killing, but in the end it really turned out to be more about drama and suspense. I'm super hyped because tomorrow the last episode will be available to watch on Crunchyroll! Basically at the part I'm at the Emperor of this other world is letting the peace negotiations go on, but it seems to me like he really doesn't want to give in and let Japan have everything. So I'm thinking in the last episode there's going to be something sneaky happening. We'll see. I'll probably write a full review of the anime sometime after I've seen the last episode. Check this one out its called Gate, and don't be mistaken by Stein's Gate, which has a similar title.
     I started watching Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans today because the last episode of Gate isn't out yet. I gotta say that I don't like the art style at all. It seems to be too much of a modern anime art style. Well, I mean of course its going to be that way because it was made in 2015, but what I mean is that everything looks like it was drawn with computers. I mean, it isn't bad and it probably won't stop me from watching more of the series but it just looks like all these modern anime all have the same art style. Everything begins to look the same despite the fact that they are from different artists and maybe even different parts of Japan. Anyways, the first episode was actually pretty good. Very drama and dialogue focused but it ends with a great big battle scene against mobile suits. It was cool.
     That's all the anime I've been watching recently. Let me know of any you think are worth watching. In the past I was watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventures but I've kind of lost track of whats going on at the part I'm at. Sayonara! 

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