Saturday, October 22, 2016

Every Ultimate Nerfed October PTR Patch

It appears that every ultimate in the entire game has been nerfed. The ultimate cost increased by 25%. Let's talk about some of the hero changes.

D.Va's mech health increased to 200 (100 before) but armor remains at 400. She now has a total of 600 health. Her movement speed while firing has increased by 25%. Even though she was buffed before she's still not seen in high level of play. This think this change is gonna make D.Va a must pick.

Soldier 76's bullet damage increased from 17 to 20 and the maximum bullet spread increased from 2.2 to 2.4.  He's better now for sure.

Ana's nano boost no longer increases move speed of the target. That was one of the main reasons why nano boost is so good. I don't really dig this change because it'll make nano boost less effective.

Mei's ultimate Blizzard cost has been increased by 15%. A straight up nerf.

Lucio's Amp It Up healing has been decreased by 10%. Another straight up nerf. To pretty much a must have character.

Zarya's Particle Barrier gained from barriers decreased by 20%. And her Projected Barrier Power gained from barriers decreased by 20%. It's gonna take longer for her to be fully charged. She will still be in tons of games.

Torbjorn saw an incredible buff. The amount of scrap collected from a fallen enemy has been decreased by 40%. Forge Hammer Swing speed increased by 25%, Damage decreased by 27%. Scrap is now automatically gained. This is gonna make him great.

Those are all the hero changes on the PTR.

The biggest change is that ultimates for every character increased by 25%. The game is going be at a slower pace and become more of a shooting game where its more about the gun-play. This is a change in attitude and style from Blizzard. They want us to focus on fire fights rather than just relying on ultimates.

The game will be a lot more like other shooters in the sense that it will be about gunplay. Like Team Fortress 2. Or Call of Duty even. I hope the end result here leans more towards the same game but just slower ultimates, but still have ultimates be a big part of it.

If the game changes to become more gun based I would still be down to play. Its just that it would become almost an entirely different experience. I'd probably switch to dps (damage per second) heroes instead of focusing on healers.

This is a significant change and its going to make a big impact on the game thus far. Overwatch has been great but they sure do change everything and anything whenever they want. Pretty cool that a company continues to work hard on a product. They're definitely showing this game a lot of love.

I'll try out this new Overwatch on the PTR tomorrow. I'll report on how I feel about the changes.  

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