Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Troll Picks Are Inevitable

According to Overwatch's director Jeff Kaplan troll picks are inevitable. He said "we will absolutely do our best to make sure all of our heroes are viable and that none of them end up left behind as "troll picks."

"A lot of us like pro sports and tend to think of those games (soccer, football, hockey, basketball) as 'timeless'. But if you follow those games closely, the leagues have had to make minor tweaks to the games to keep them fun and balanced over time," Kaplan wrote. "It's a weird analogy, but it is very similar to hero balance in a game like Overwatch. In those pro sports, players and coaches evolved their ways of thinking about the game that required the game itself to change at times."

"Both Torb and Symmetra are being looked at right now. We want to try to improve them in ways that makes them more fun to play, more enjoyable to have on your team and try to make sure they are not infuriating to play against," he continued, addressing a complaint that those two heroes in particular are "flagged as 'useless'" by the community. "We wrestle with the issue that players get very upset at us when they perceive 'the meta is stale' and certain heroes are not viable. Yet it's also very disruptive to the playerbase for us to make changes. It's a bit of a Catch-22 but we do our best to responsibly look at all heroes all the time and make sure nothing is terribly unbalanced or worse, un-fun." (Kotaku)

Some troll picks make games unwinnable. I do think Blizzard needs to do something to address the issue of troll picks because it happens surprisingly a lot in competitive mode. You'd think people would stick to quick play for trolling but nope they go to competitive and derp off there too. Some examples would be someone who keeps going Hanzo or Widowmaker on attack or when nobody plays healer. When nobody plays healer the whole team is just trolling at that point.

I think the best troll characters are Genji, Reaper, Tracer, Widowmaker, and Hanzo. The snipers get picked surprisingly a lot on attack. I find that to be pretty trollish behavior. Then the guy would say something like Hanzo is my best character.

Overwatch definitely has its trolls. Mostly in the voice chat put it does go hand in hand with their character picks as well. Blizzard has done their best to allow everyone freedom within the game but really its beyond their control in many aspects. At this point its community property.

Genderbend Reaper is so edgy XD

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