Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I don't like Lucio (in Heroes of the Storm)

I figured here would be a great place to rant about how much I dislike Lucio in Heroes of the Storm. He was recently added to roster, this week I believe. I'm actually annoyed that Blizzard is adding Overwatch characters into Heroes of the Storm when they clearly don't fit in a moba (massive online battle arena games, like League of Legends and Dota 2). I figured it was okay to have Tracer because she's a killing machine in Heroes but when they added Zarya I figured that they've gone too far.

Well now they've added Lucio. When I found out I wrote about his kit (which you can read here) and was excited to see how he would turn out in moba form. Then I finally got around to playing him and I was not pleased. I actually haven't been upset about a video game in a super long time. Yet, here I am. I should go to Blizzard HQ and protest. People are out here protesting the Muslim ban and Trump and I'll be protesting against Blizzard for terrible game design. Jokes aside I do think Lucio is a complete bore to play. Definitely a failed attempt at innovative character design.

It's not the fact that he's bad at what he does. He passively heals okay, and he can speed boost the team out of fights quickly. Not only that, but his sound barrier can even win team fights. However, my biggest complaint (and the most important imo) is the fact that his sound wave gun is a freakin' pea shooter that can barely kill an enemy hero with hardly any health points left. There are times when you'll be chasing any enemy hero with a sliver of health, only to find out that they got away because your gun is just so pathetically weak.

That's my main problem with him. If they gave him more damage I'd be cool with his design and that would be that. The fact that they gave him no damage is a mystery to me because in Overwatch he is a killing machine support like Zenyatta. You can even shoot Pharahs out of the sky once you get good enough with his sound wave gun.

Just a short little rant. Usually I love everything Blizzard touches and creates. Here, they messed up big time on one of my favorite characters. Shame on a gaming company!

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