Monday, June 19, 2017

New Soundcloud tracks

Hey, good news everyone! I made friends with the percussionist at the open jam I go to at Peties Place on Reseda and turns out he records everything. So I asked him to send me all the tracks I've played on thus far at the open jam nights and I've decided to post them on my Soundcloud page. The quality is pretty good, I kinda wonder what he uses to record. Probably some small little device. It actually sounds rather good, you can hear the drums, bass, and guitars really well.

I've been super quiet when it comes to recording but all of a sudden new life has been breathed into Professor Plasma (nickname for my solo projekt). I'm going to keep going to the open jams and ask him to send me more stuff so I can keep posting more live jams. I like my sound and style when I'm playing with other musicians more so than composing myself. This is like the poor man's way of recording and sharing music-through the power of your friends! Haha, thanks for checking this post out and remember to check out all my new tracks at

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