Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Overwatch competitive is in a bad place right now

Overwatch competitive is in a pretty bad spot right now. Players have reached the tipping point because of competitive mode. This season (season 5) placed players lower than their sr (skill rating, measurement number of how good you are) than previous seasons and its become a grind to go back to last season's sr and then to also exceed that and push to the next ranks. It's become incredibly difficult. Players have become more stubborn (one trick ponies, only want to play certain heroes, never switch off to counter enemy compositions). Not to mention the fact that players have become so incredibly toxic.

The most toxic thing that's happened to me is this one time I lost a match (in comp of course) and this guy yelled on the mic "you guys all fucking suck!". He was yelling at the top of his lungs so it was painful to the ears with my headset on. What a dick. Its fair to say that Overwatch is probably Blizzard's most toxic game. I can see why. Players just want to win. Every loss hurts them (my precious sr!) and winning is the only way to verify that they're "good".

Let's not forget the lower level ranks which are severely difficult to rank up through. At the bronze, silver, gold levels you have pretty much no control over anything but yourself. Players are insta-dps lockers and when you ask them to switch most of the time they'll just stay whatever hero they first picked. It's become infuriating as a support main myself. Its come to the point where I don't play too much competitive. In fact, the only Overwatch I've been playing is the ptr. I've been having a lot of fun playing Quick Play with Doomfist on the team. I'm still pretty much healing but only because nobody picks healers too often.

I've actually developed a new philosophy to the game when it comes to what heroes I should play. Next time I play comp I'm going to only pick heroes that are needed. So if somebody already picks a healer I'll go dps or tank. I've come to the conclusion that being a one trick pony isn't the most effective way to develop a good team. You gotta play what the team needs. I like players that wait until everybody has made their character choices and then says oh well I guess we need a tank and then picks one. Those are the players that are the best Overwatch players.

Anyways, because of the problems and toxicity in competitive Overwatch has gone to a boring, salty, and toxic halt. Until Doomfist comes out I don't see myself playing too much comp, if ever. I think the game is probably at its worst footing right now ever since launch. It could possibly even become a game that people stop playing because competitive just isn't fun anymore. Well, why not just play Quick Play you say? That wouldn't work because competitive is the only game mode where players actually try to use their heads and work together as a team. All the other modes are just filler for competitive in this game. Plus, Quick Play just isn't a fun game mode. Usually you only get one healer (if even that) and its all based on dps comps with maybe one tank (again, if even). Its super lame.

This all makes me super sad because I love the game dearly but I fear that if Blizzard doesn't do something the game might just disappear.

Just like Tracer blinking away....

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