Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Overwatch fans hack people to find Sombra

The Sombra arg hunt has attracted over 7,000 fans and brought a lot of attention to Blizzard's hero shooter. Some players that have been tired of waiting for Sombra and have decided to do some hacking, just like how Sombra is a hacker.

We've all heard about all the Somba args. If you aren't up to speed I suggest you check out these older posts of mine:
Sugar skull
Quien es Sombra?
ARG continues

Last August a group of fans hacked into an Overwatch account that's name was Sombra. Using Blizzard's support desk they were able to change the password by telling them it was their account. Game Detective admins said they were able look around for clues. Pretty easy to get into Blizzard's accounts and/or other people's Battlenet accounts. People have been doing this a lot it seems and even Jeff Kaplan has told people to stop trying to get into accounts because they don't have any Sombra hints. What kind of game would support hacking just to find out more information about the game? Knowing that people can just access your accounts so easily is terrible. But sometimes the love for the game shines through and people become so upsessed that they'll do whatever to get what they want. 

The whole Sombra arg (alternate reality games) thing was in a complete lull until a few days ago when this picture appeared, Sombra!

So yeah everybody's saying this is Sombra and Redditers have claimed that its from a real Blizzard employee. There's a url in the image and its for the Blizzard employee network. But you need credentials to go further.

This certainly puts the Sombra arg in a way different place. We have an actual image with a weapon, an uzi I reckon. She has a punk rock haircut with the shaved head on one side and long hair on the other. That purple science fiction looking outfit looks great. We don't really know the authenticity of this photo and if it really was hacked from a Blizzard account but it is pretty darn exciting to get something interesting.

The Sombra arg has been something I've been following for a while now, maybe going on a month or something. I have a feeling she's going to a game changer in Overwatch and bring a whole new style of play. I'm hoping for hacker stealth with an uzi. Almost like you're playing the Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex fps game made by Nexon. Something like that. That would be cool.

Perhaps we'll hear about Sombra at Blizzcon in November. Or sooner.

Found that fanart pic on an Overwatch meme page on facebook, reminds me of Marvel's art style

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