Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Anna, overwatch's first new hero revealed

Anna is the first new hero to join overwatch. She's a support sniper with a biotic rifle and grenades that can heal allies or damage and impair enemies. She has a sidearm tranquilizer gun to put targets to sleep and a nano-boost ultimate ability that will give her allies an increase in power.

Her weapon is the biotic rifle that can shoot allies to heal overtime or enemies to deal damage overtime. The base damage is low but there's additional damage overtime. It has a scope that allows her to zoom in on targets.

Her first ability is the sleep dart. She fires the dart from her sidearm, putting them to sleep. This can stop people mid-ultimate. This will perfect for those pesky Reapers and McCree's. Any damage done to the target while they're asleep will pull them out of this effect.

Her second ability is the biotic grenade. Any allies caught in the blast radius will get an increase in healing from all sources for a short while. Any enemies caught in the blast radius cannot be healed briefly.

Her ultimate is the nano-boost. She targets a single ally and temporarily increases their movement speed, deals more damage, and has them take less damage from attacks.

Her kit is cool. She isn't going to be a pro mlg style character but she certainly has style. I love sniping and I love healing. She's also Pharah's mother and one of the original members of Overwatch. It was great seeing her launch reveal today and I look forward to when she's officially launched on the servers.

Just a reminder that Anna is out on the public test realm version of overwatch. You can play her and check her out for yourself. I'll probably write a more in depth description of her abilities once I've played her on the ptr. 

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