Sunday, February 14, 2016

Street Fighter V

      So we're two days away from Street Fighter V being released. I'm planning on picking it up for PC on Steam. I couldn't get it on any other system because its only on PC and Ps4, and I don't own a ps4. I'm not sure if me or my brother will get an xbone or a ps4. However, fighting games on the PC have always been great fun. At one point I bought Marvel vs Capcom 3 and was really digging into playing fighting games (real fighting games, not smash). Later, I got Street Fighter IV Ultra (these are the xbox 360 versions) and gave that a try. Well, now I'm gonna play Street Fighter V. I hope its much better than IV Ultra was. I'm super hyped for this game and I even bought a fightstick (gaming pad with arcade buttons made for fighting games) just to get more into the actual feel of a fighting game. You really can't play a fighting game made for fightsticks with a regular xbox controller. Its just not the same. Plus the fight-stick is easier to play on than a controller, at least for me.
     A lot of my friends at work are all going to pick it up for ps4 and I'll be able to play with them because sf v is going to be a cross-over server game (ps4 and pc users can fight each other). This will be a first for the franchise and in my opinion will ensure that the game's community never dies. I can't wait till this game comes out! One of my friends said he will even help me out to learn the game and teach me how to play while giving me instructions via headset. It'll be great playing with friends and learning other fighting games other than Smash. I was playing Rivals of Aether and Skullgirls for a while but I haven't played Rivals in a while (since then they've released a new character). Also, I had to give my friend his fight-stick back and I don't like playing Skullgirls without it. I've heard that there's a little controversy in the community about Street Fighter V. Hopefully this one is better than IV. Definitely check this game out. It will be released on February 16.

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