Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Ana's role in the current meta

I read an article about how players are terrified of getting nano-boosted by Ana's ult and thought why not write a short piece on her role in the meta.

First off, Ana can be played in a variety of ways. I tend to play more defensively but I can play her very offensively if need be and when I want to. A more defensive style has you sitting more in the back, actually sniping from the scope and healing from a distance. When you want to get in there with your team on the frontlines its better to just no scope headshot with your heals, and make sure to grenade enemies as well as allies.

When Ana first came out she was a nice addition but she didn't quite break the ever so popular Lucio Zenyatta combo. Most pro teams didn't start playing Ana's until fairly recently. Still a lot of the time they're running Lucio Zen. I feel like now she's used much more often, albeit usually always played offensively. So much to the point where I see a lot of Ana's in competitive don't do a great job healing. They usually leave the healing up to another healing, which is fine in some cases. But as a support player I think Ana is most effective healing your teammates rather than going for headshots.

Ana's being used a lot more and has become one of the most interesting characters in a first person shooter game (I really believe that, she's great! XD) but what really sets her apart from the other healing characters is her ultimate ability-nano boost. It increases damage, speed, and resilience. If you use it on the right ally at the right time you will always get team wipes with it. Or at least kill most of the enemy team.

It seems though that sometimes you'll boost a Soldier 76 or a Junkrat and nothing will happen. I think a big part of it is that players will get boosted and then panic hard looking around for kills, fishing hard for it and getting killed in the process or missing. I've been finding my nano boosts to be more effective on tanks like D.Va and Reinhardt especially. I'm going to keep up with that because it seems the tanks are always on the frontlines so they should be getting the boost.

One thing I like to do is use nano boost defensively if my team is losing. I'll wait until the enemy team is grouped and it looks like were about to lose the fight, boost the tank, and hold the point. It usually always works. Ana's role is to keep the team healed the entire time while your team fights. That's the way I play her. I focus more on keeping everybody's life bars full rather than going for kills. However, I will snipe people if they're shooting me or if they're in my face I will go for no scope headshots. She's a perfect mix of great healing and decent dps. Perfect for my love of healing as well as my dps tendencies.

I would like to play Ana most of my competitive games but a lot of people are against her. For one thing most Ana's aren't that great right now. Even some of the pros still practice-she's still sorta new and nobody's become a killing machine with her in the pro scene. She's pretty much my main other than Mercy. Healing sniper moms rock!

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