Friday, September 16, 2016

You Can Change Your Blizzard Battletag Now

You can now change your Blizzard Battletag now. For the paltry (or extravagant) sum of $10. Before you could change your Battletag only once and then it locked forever. At least now you can change it. Changing it only affects your name but things like your friends list remains the same.

Here we could have a discourse over how Blizzard is going crazy with all this cash crop bullshit. Like, why can't you just change it like every couple months if you want for free? That seems reasonable. But on the other side we have to consider that Blizzard is a business making money. Perhaps they've gone to the point of being more about the money than the games? Nah! That's poppycock! Blizzard is all about delivering a great online gaming experience to its playerbase for years to come. Some things cost money and unfortunately changing your name will cost you 10 bucks.

In the scheme of things this is pretty important news. For the longest time I went by names I didn't like because I was like 16 and picked some terrible names. Finally I settled on my sm4sh tournament tag, OgSpace. It took forever to get that changed and I can't even remember how I was able to get that changed but knowing now that I can keep changing it whenever I want to is pretty cool. 

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